One Page Help


If you are a new user it is strongly recommended that you start at the Introduction help topic before proceeding.

This topic is for those who don't like reading manuals and would rather find their own way around.  Click the link for more help on that item.  When using the system if you need help on any screen display press the [Help] button or [F1] Function 1 (F1) key.

From the Setup menu enter the Company Details , Fee Schedules, Portfolio Details and Inspection Codes.

Add Landlords first, next their Properties followed by the Tenant(s) for each property.  Finally add Suppliers.

Run Setup > Getting Started > First Period Details.

Enter the tenant rent status from the Setup > Getting Started > Tenant Opening Rent Status menu.

Enter the opening balances for the landlords from the Setup > Getting Started > Landlord Opening Balances menu.

Enter the opening balances for the suppliers from the Setup > Getting Started > Supplier Opening Balances menu.

Enter any tenant bonds making up part of the bank balance.  See Bonds Opening Status topic.

Before entering transactions, apart from any held bonds, reconcile the system bank balance to your bank statement.

Once the First Period Details programs is run and you are adding a new tenant, the entries you make on the Rent Inv screen should mirror the Rental Agreement values.

Enter tenant receipts for rent, debt repayment, letting fees and bonds using either the Tenants menu > Receipts or via the individual tenant's Transaction grid [Receipts] button.
Enter supplier invoices from either the Supplier menu  > Invoices or via the individual supplier's Transaction grid [Invoice] button.  Assign the invoice charge to the appropriate property and charge the tenant if you wish.  You may charge the landlord directly if a property is not involved.

After entering an invoice you may enter a payment via the supplier Transactions > [Payment] button or leave the system to generate the payment for you, which is the way the system was designed to be used.

Make bond payments to the Bond Centre from the Bonds menu > Disburse Bonds.

Pay your Management, Letting Fees and GST as part of the Generate Payments run or via Administration menu > Fees and GST Transaction > Payment.

Generate payments for landlords and/or suppliers from Administration menu > Payments > Generate Payments.  This looks at all balances and creates a payment record where required.

Adjust or delete any payments as required.  Adjustments and deletions can be done in the individual's Transaction grid.  Deletion can also be from the Administration menu > Fees and GST Transaction > Confirm Payments grid.

When happy confirm the payments being made.

You may create a direct credit file for use with electronic banking or to create a diskette to be passed over the counter from Administration menu > Fees and GST Transaction > Create Direct Credit File.

Print landlord statements from Landlords menu > Statements

Print supplier statements from the Suppliers menu > Statements

At the end of the month run Administration menu > End of PeriodDo a back-up first.

Do a Bank Reconciliation on a regular basis, preferably every time you enter details from a bank statement, and do not make your end of period pay outs or run the End of Period until the system reconciles to your bank statement.