Company Details


Screen Location... Setup menu.

Use this screen to:-
  • enter or edit company specific information
  • control access to the Aspect Property Manager
  • enter the monthly password
  • Information relating to the company is carried on a series of tabbed pages.
  • When setting the system up the data entered should be as complete as possible.  Some entries are used as defaults into other fields and if not entered will mean extra and unnecessary keying. 
  • Certain information and settings are used for checking the monthly password.  If any of these are altered once you are registered the Aspect Property Manager will revert to a "Trial Version" system.
    Note  Should a "live" system revert to a Trial Version you can continue to use the system and no data will be lost.  However, reports will be limited to two or three pages and have "Trail Version" printed across them.
  • Only those entries which are not self explanatory or have an influence on other functions are commented upon.

    Address Details tab
    You must enter the organisation's Name, Address, Post Code, Day Time Phone number and Email address.

    Email address
  • The email address entered here will be used as the default "From address" on outgoing email created by the Aspect Property Manager.
  • It is also the address to which the password will be sent each month.
  • If you want email replies being received at some other email address, change the email address on the Setup menu > Preferences > Email tab.

    Country and State
  • Optional entries used to control access to country specific requirements

    Company No
  • Optional entry for Australian use only.  Enter the ACN or BCN number.

    Allow Edit of Past Period Transactions?
  • The system blocks accidental modification or deletion of past period transactions.
  • From time to time there may be a need to edit or even delete a past period transaction and when this box is ticked users are given temporarily access to modify and delete past period transactions via Administration > Edit Past Period Transactions.
  • In general editing or deleting past period transactions is not recommended, see Adding, Changing and Deleting Records and in particular read the Transaction Edit and Delete Warning message.

    User Password Reqd? / User Password
  • Access to the Aspect Property Manager may be restricted by ticking User Password Reqd and entering a password.
  • Change the password by clicking User Password.
  • Untick User Password Reqd to give unrestricted access.
  • See System Security for a discussion on general security, back-up, passwords, physical access to the system, email, viruses, firewalls etc.

  • Once the system is registered you will receive a password and expiry date each month which needs to be entered via this button to remove the restrictions in the demonstration version.

    Payment Details tab
    Trust Bank Account No.
  • This field contains the bank account number into which tenants make their rent payments and from which payments made by you are made to suppliers, the bond centre and of course your Fees and GST payments
  • It is the bank account to which the system bank must reconcile.

    Payment Method
  • Select the way you will normally transfer the Fees and GST collected out of the Aspect Property Manager to your trading account.

  • This will normally be the name of your trading account and is used to identify the recipient of Fees and GST payments on reports.

    Trading Account Details
  • The details of the bank account number into which you transfer the management and letting fees payable to you and the GST to be paid to the IRD.

    Bank Reference Fields
  • The bank reference fields Payee Reference, Analysis Code and Particulars contain the details which will be printed on the recipient bank account statement when Fees and GST is paid using the Admin menu > Payments > Create Direct Credit File option.

    Internet Banking Link (URL)
  • When importing receipts or creating the direct credit file when making bulk payments there is a menu entry which will open your browser at this address.
  • Tip  Many banks have a home page ahead of the actual login page.  If you copy the login page URL into this field the menu entry will bypass the home page.

    GST tab
  • If you are GST registered enter your GST No and GST Rate
  • If you are not GST registered clear the GST No and enter zero in the GST Rate.

    Bonds tab
  • This tab contains the name and address of the bond holder.
  • In New Zealand the bond centre presently only accepts payment by cheque so the remaining entries can be left blank.

    Move In Costs tab
  • This tab has the standard defaults applied to the  Desired Rent on the Properties main screen to calculate the Move In Cost for the initial rent, letting fee and bond requirements when creating a new property or the rent is changed on an existing property.
  • The Letting Fee is expressed as a percentage of the rent or a fixed amount, both excluding GST.   Where the Desired Rent is set to Fortnightly or Monthly those rents are converted to weekly amounts for the purposes of calculation.
    Examples when the Desired Rent is $100 per week.
    If the Letting Fee is 100% the calculated letting fee will be $115.00 - $100.00 pw plus GST at 15%
    If the Letting Fee is set to $200.00 the calculated letting fee will be $230.00 - $200.00 pw plus GST at 15%
  • The Rent is the number of weeks rent required to be paid in advance take up the tenancy.
  • The Bond is the number of weeks rent required to be paid as bond to take up the tenancy.
    These values establish the desired values for the property which are then offered as defaults when setting up the tenant and they may of course be overridden.
    The "factory" defaults are:-
    Letting Fee = 100%   (of the weekly rent excluding GST)
    Rent = 2                    (times the weekly rent)
    Bond = 2                   (times the weekly rent)

    Payment Defaults tab
  • The entries on this tab are those which will be offered as default entries when creating a new landlord or supplier but may be overridden at that time.
  • When paying landlords and suppliers using the Admin menu > Payments > Create Direct Credit File option they will be the references printed on the payee's bank statement identifying where the payment came from.
  • Changes made to these entries will not affect existing landlord or supplier payment defaults, they will only be offered when creating new ones.

    Web Pages tab
  • If you have a website enter the address.
  • Tick "Website appears on statements" if you want the website address to be printed on your landlord and supplier statements.
  • When printing letters you may choose where to print the website address from the list box options.

    Report Options tab
  • At the moment there is only one sub-tab - Properties to Rent.  This provides options for the Properties menu > Properties to Rent report.
    The report is printed from the Properties menu and provides a list of properties which are currently or soon to be vacant.
    Use the radio buttons to select the size of the Public Remarks to be printed.
    The "Message ..." box can be used to provide a line of text at the top of the Properties to Rent report such as "Only view from the street".
    This list can be used as a handout to prospective tenants or for internal "sales" activity.

    Standing Charges tab
  • This tab carries the system default standing charge which will be used in the Admin > Generate Standing Charges program.
  • Individual landlords may have an override value entered on their Landlords > Details > Other Details tab.
  • The description is printed on the landlord statement.  See Standing Charges for more details.

    Security Settings tab
  • The settings on this page control access to features some of which may incur an additional charge.
  • Do not change these entries without consulting Aspect Systems.
  • If you set these values which do not match your rental payment the system will revert to a Trial Version.

    Maximum number of users
    Installations which have multiple users can gain significant speed advantages by using special Client Server software.
    The number of licensed C/S users are entered here.  See the Multi-user Installation topic which discusses multi-user options.
    This value should be zero for non-C/S users.

    Maximum number of landlords
    This is used to set the number of C/S users who may access the database at the same time.
    This value should be 9999 for non-C/S users.

    Spell Check
    Spell check is now an integral part of the Aspect Property Manager and this box should always contain a tick.

    Special Functions tab
    This accesses password protected support programs which should only be used under direction from Aspect Systems.

    Initial Installation Step 2 - Changing the Company Details

    As each of the following steps is completed move from one tab to the next without clicking [OK].  Only when all relevant data has been entered should you click [OK].  You can safely make changes to entries on any tab previously visited.

    Go  to Setup Menu > Company Details > Address Details tab.
    Click [Edit].
    You must enter the organisation's Name, Address, Post Code, Day Time Phone number and Email address.
    The remaining data entry fields and list box choices are optional or entries which can be made later.
    Bypass any messages about contacting Aspect Systems during the initial installation phase.

    Go to the Payment Details tab.
    In the Trust Bank Account No. field enter the bank account number into which tenants will pay their rent.
    In the Payment Method list box choose the way you will transfer the Fees and GST collected out of the Aspect Property Manager to the Trading Bank Account No. entered just below.
    In the Payee field enter the name of the account into which direct credit payment of Fees and GST will be made or the name to be written on the Fees and GST payment cheque.
    In the Trading Bank Account No. field enter the bank account number into which direct credit payment of Fees and GST will be made.
    The bank reference fields - Payee Reference, Analysis Code and Particulars contain the details which will be printed on the recipient bank account statement when Fees and GST is paid using the Create Direct Credit File option.  You may over key the entries made by the Clean Up program.

    Note  The Aspect Property Manager checks all bank account numbers for validity.  That is they must conform to the banking system's self-checking requirements.  It does not stop you using a valid number in the wrong place so don't "fudge" bank account numbers.  If you are unsure chose payment by cheque until you have the right account number.

    Go to the GST tab.
    If you are GST registered enter your GST No and GST Rate.
    If you are not GST registered clear the GST No and enter zero in the GST Rate.

    Go to the Bonds tab.
    These details will be preset by the Clean Up program and may be changed if you wish.
    In NZ the bond centre presently only accepts payment by cheque so the remaining entries can be left blank.

    Go to the Move In Costs tab.
    Enter the Letting Fee you will usually charge a tenant expressed as a percentage of the weekly rent excluding GST, or as an amount, also excluding GST.
    Enter the number of weeks Rent you will usually require the tenant to pay in advance at the start of the tenancy.
    Enter the number of weeks Rent you will usually require the tenant to pay as bond.
    Note  These values establish the desired values for the property which are then offered as defaults when setting up the tenant and they may of course be overridden.

    Go to the Payment Defaults tab.
    The entries on this tab are those which will be offered as default entries when creating a new landlord or supplier and will then be printed on the payee's bank statement when payment is made using the Create Direct Credit File option.  Change made to these entries will not affect existing landlord or supplier records.

    Go to the Web Pages tab.
    If you have a website enter the address.

    Go to the Report Options tab > Properties to Rent sub-tab.
    At the moment there is only one sub-tab - Properties to Rent.  The entries relate to the Properties to Rent report which is printed from Properties menu > Properties to Rent.

    Go to the Standing Charges tab.
    The Aspect Property Manager provides the opportunity to charge one or more landlords a set amount each month over and above the management fees collected, such as a $5.00 charge to cover postage and stationery costs.  The fee and description entered here will be applied to all landlords who have the Landlords > Details > Other Details > Standing Charge box ticked.  This fee may be overridden on individual landlords.  Standing Charges are not commonly made within New Zealand.

    When you have finished entering the company details click [OK] and you will be returned to the main screen.

    Return to Initial Installation