Tenant Receipt


Location... Tenants main screen > Transactions > Receipts
Or Tenants menu > Receipts - for bulk receipting

Tenant Receipts may be entered in three different ways:-
  • manually from the Tenants screen > Transactions > [Receipt] button
  • manually from the Tenants menu > Receipt choice
  • importing them from the Tenants menu > Import Receipts

    This topic deals with the first two methods while Import Receipts has a topic of its own.

    Associated with all the above tenant receipting methods there are "rules"  imposed which in brief are that bond can never be overpaid and once a tenant has a vacate date entered any existing overpayment of rent or debt is automatically allocated to Held.  See Tenant Held and Bond Processing for more details.

    Important - Bond Returned from the Bond Centre 
    When money is returned from the bond centre use Tenants > Transactions > [Bond Returned] rather than any of the above receipting methods as it gets the bond record correct as to the amount held at the bond centre.  See Bond Returned from the Bond Centre for details.

    Skip to the description of the screen elements

    Individual Manual Receipt Entry, Editing and Deletion
    Location... Tenants main screen > Transactions > Receipts
  • The first and subsequent "over the counter" receipts will probably be entered using the Tenants > Transactions [Receipt] grid button .
  • Editing and deleting receipts, however they were entered, are also accessed from this grid too.
  • Low volume organisations may prefer to use this option for all tenant receipt entry.

    Data Entry
  • Press [Receipt] to open the data entry screen which will have some fields "preloaded" with default values to speed data entry
  • For the first receipt of the day, or after the Aspect Property Manager has been closed and restarted
      4 the Reference field will contain either the last non-numeric entry or the last numeric entry plus 1
             thereafter it will offer the last reference used until it is changed or deleted.
             See the description of the screen elements below.
      4 the date will be "today" and should be changed to the transaction date 
             thereafter that date will be offered as the transaction date
             until it is changed somewhere else in the system
      4 the Rent field will contain the rent amount contained in the last receipt for this tenant
      4 the Paid By field will contain the same method (and bank details in the case of a cheque), of the last receipt.
  • The effect of the defaulted values is that, apart from changing the reference field or transaction date as the need arises, a simple rent receipt takes two mouse clicks.
  • Where the amount received is not simply rent, or the value differs from the last receipt, allocate the amount received to any split of rent, debt, letting fee, bond or held.
      4 Beside the data entry fields is the amount outstanding, or overpaid (minus values), along with the current rent and Paid To date prior to this receipt being entered
  • Make adequate entries in the Text and Memo fields especially when making reversals or there are unusual circumstances.
      4 Any entry made in the Text field when rent or debt is part of the receipt will appear on the landlord statement.
      4 Entries made in the Memo are in-house but can optionally appear on some reports such as the Tenancy Tribunal report.

    Editing an Existing Receipt
    To edit a receipt select the transaction line and 
    either double click the line and press [Edit] 
    or press [Edit] on the Navigator Bar
    You can not edit presented transactions  See     XXXX
    Past period transactions can not normally be edited.  See     XXXX

    Deleting an Unwanted Receipt
    To delete a receipt select the transaction line and 
    press [Delete] on the Navigator Bar
    You can not delete presented transactions  See     XXXX
    Past period transactions should not normally be deleted.  See     XXXX

    "Bulk" Manual Receipt Entry, Editing and Deletion
    Location... Tenants menu > Receipts

    This menu entry provides a quicker way of entering manual receipts because it is intended to keep your hands on the keyboard rather than moving to the mouse and then dodging around on the main screen locating tenants.  Apart from that the process requirements and constraints are the same.
  • When this function is chosen an empty grid will display
  • Press [Receipt] and the usual receipt entry screen will appear, but this time the Tenant Code and Tenant Name are active, and there is a [Find] button.
  • Before selecting the first tenant enter the (optional) reference you want to use for this group of receipts and select the transaction date.
  • Now select the first tenant by entering
      4 either the Tenant Code
      4 or [Tab] into the Tenant Name and enter the first two or three letters of the name
      4 or use  [Find] to locate the tenant by the property address
      4 and [Tab] to the Reference field

    The receipt fields will default to:-
      4 the same rent amount as in the last receipt for this tenant
      4 the same method (and bank details in the case of a cheque), of the last receipt for this tenant

    Visually check the allocation is correct and when satisfied press [Enter] 
    This will return to the grid where the Receipt button will be shown as active.  Windows indicates this in different manners depending upon the version.

    Press [Enter] to open the next receipt and repeat the steps until all receipts are entered.
  • Receipts seen on the grid have already been created in the tenant's transactions.
  • Receipts may be edited or deleted in the grid or later in the tenant's transactions.
  • While you are in the receipt make sure you tab out of the last field changed before pressing [Enter], This is the normal Windows action.
  • You can tab to the Text and Memo fields faster than moving your hand from the keyboard to the mouse and back again.
  • When you are in the Memo [Enter] starts a new line within the memo.  You must [Tab] out of the memo then press [Enter] to complete the receipt.
  • It is quicker to use the mouse if you need to use [Find].

    Bulk Receipting Summary
    1.     Open Tenant's menu > Receipts
    2.     Set up the reference and transaction date fields
    3.     Select the tenant
    4.     Tab to the Reference field
      4 Visually check the values and adjust where necessary
      4 Put the mouse to one side and
    5.      Press [Enter] (to create the receipt and return to the grid)
    6.     The [Receipt] button is active so press [Enter] to open a new receipt
    7.     Locate the tenant by code or name and [Tab] to the reference field
      4 Visually check the amount and allocation
    8.      If the amount and allocation is correct press [Enter] and skip to step 9 
      4 If an adjustment is required press [Tab] as many times as required and make any changes
    9.     Repeat the steps 6 to 8 using just the keyboard until the receipts are entered then press [Close] on the grid.

    Description of the Tenant Receipt screen

    Refer to the Glossary for information about the screen fields not mentioned below.

    Both manual methods of receipting use the same screen fields albeit with minor variations.

    This field should have a bank statement reference or receipt number entered.  Where "yesterday's overnight" transactions are manually entered there is generally no unique reference provided on the print out so devise your own, e.g. use "ib 24 May", where ib represents "internet banking" and "24 May" is the date of the last transaction or something similar.

    When entering manual tenant receipts this field operates differently to either importing tenant receipts or landlord receipts to enable the use of pre-numbered printed receipt forms.

    If a number is entered (123) the next receipt will automatically increment the Reference number by one (124).  If a receipt is cancelled during data entry that number (543) is lost and the next receipt will have the next number (544) assigned.  The number may be over keyed with any new number.

    If the field contains any alphabetic character (a123, 12 3, 12.3, - note the space and period) the number will not increment and the same reference will be offered to all subsequent receipts until it is changed or deleted.  If a leading space ( 123) is entered the reference will be saved without the space (123) and the number will increase.

    Rent and Debt
    Enter the rent and / or debt portion of the total amount being received.  This money is credited to the landlord account less any fees and GST applicable.

    Letting Fee
    Enter the letting fee portion of the total amount being received.  This money is credited to the Letting Fees and GST control accounts and does not show on the Landlord Statement.

    Enter the bond portion of the total amount being received.  This money is credited to the Bond control account and does not show on the Landlord Statement.

    Enter any portion of the total amount being received which is not to be credited as rent, debt, letting fee or bond.  This money is credited to the Tenant Held control account and does not show on the Landlord Statement.

    The system adds the content of the above fields which should be visually checked against the bank statement or receipt book entry being made.

    Paid By
    Select AP (automatic payment), EFTPOS, Cash or Cheque to show how the money was received.  EFTPOS, cash and cheque receipt details are required when the Banking List is used, particularly the Cheque Bank and Branch details.  (XXXX link) 

    Whatever is entered in the Text box will appear on the landlord statement only if the receipt contains any rent or debt values.  Receipts containing letting fee, bond or held values only do not appear on the landlord statement.

    Tenant receipt memos are one of the exceptions to the rule that "memos are for internal use".  They can be printed on the Tenancy Tribunal report so the content should be factual.

    Related Topics
    Receipts Overview
    Tenant Receipt Import
    Tenant Transactions
    Landlord Receipt