Standing Charges


Location... Admin menu > Standing Charges

The purpose of the Admin menu > Generate Standing Charges program is to charge a fee to all landlords, typically  to cover postage and other "petty cash value" items.  There are three parts to charging this fee:-
The first is to enter the most common charge made along with a suitable description on the Setup menu > Company Details > Standing Charges tab.
  • The second is to indicate which landlords are to be charged the fee by ticking the checkbox on the Landlords > Details > Other Details tab.
      4This same tab allows the common fee to be overridden with a larger or smaller amount if necessary.
  • The last is to run the program as part of the end of month routines prior to generating the landlord payments.
      4When the menu selection is made the landlords being charged the fee are displayed in a grid with all the records highlighted (bold)
      4Double clicking any landlord who is not to be charged in this run
      4You can amend the amount to be charged by over keying the value in the charge cell.
      4When [Generate Charges] is pressed a report is offered for printing.

    If an error has occurred the fee transaction may be modified or deleted in the landlord transactions grid.