Tenant Name and Address Details


Screen Location... Tenants main screen > Name > .

Use this screen to access the tenant's name and address details.
The entries made on this screen are used in letters, emails, faxes and when merging data from the database.
Do not use the fields for uses other than described or strange results will occur.
Avoid leaving unfilled fields, except where specified, for the same reason.

  • Enter Mr, Mrs, Mr & Mrs, Ms etc.
  • Leave blank for businesses.

    First Name
  • If you have two tenants enter "John & Mary"
  • Leave blank for businesses.

    Last Name
  • This field is mandatory.
  • If you have two tenants enter "Smith & Brown"
  • The name of a business should be entered in this field.

  • This field is generated as Last Name, First Name.
  • Read the SortKey topic to understand why you may want to modify the generated SortKey

  • This field is used to address the recipient of a letter, fax or email.
  • This will auto-fill with the entry in the First Name field.
    4"George" will produce "Dear George".
    4"John & Mary" will produce "Dear John & Mary".
    4"Mr G Jones" will address the letter "Dear Mr G Jones".
  • If the tenant is a company enter the contact person's name as you want it to appear on a letter.  

    Postal Address
  • This is the tenant's postal address used for letters, notices, etc.
  • When creating a new tenant the first line Address To will default to the concatenation of the Title, the first character of the First Name and the Last Name fields.
    If there are multiple tenants replace the defaulted data with Mr J Smith & Mrs M Brown.
  • Any subsequent changes to the Title, First Name and Last Name fields will not alter the first line of this address field.
    MAKE NO OTHER ENTRIES in the Mail Address lines unless the postal address is something other than the property address.  The system will automatically fill the remaining address lines with the property address.

    Email Address
  • The tenant's email address.
  • It is required if you want to send emails to the tenant.

    Some Internet software and/or service providers do not accept special characters in the "To" name or email address.  If you find some email function does not work, check the Aspect Property Manager "Address To" field and the email address.  For example, Outlook Express will accept "Mary & John Jones" but Outlook will not.   To test for this type of problem temporarily replace the name and email address fields with entries you know work, preferably your own, and try them.

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