Tenant Copy
Location... Tenants Menu > Copy Tenant
This facility will create a new tenant, with a new Tenant Code, using the details on the currently selected tenant. A few common examples of its use include:-
When a property changes ownership and you retain the management of the property
When a tenant transfers to a different property owned by a different landlord and you have the management of that property
When a tenant is renting an additional facility, such as a garage or carpark, owned by a different landlord to the rental property
A court order is in place and the tenant remains in the property and the duplicated tenant provides monitoring of those payments separate to continuing rent payments. See XXXX (??? / new) topic.
See Copying Master Recordsfor more examples.
In all these cases a new landlord / property / tenant combination must be set up. Just as you can not simply scratch out the old names and enter new ones on the management agreement, simply changing names in the computer system does not work either; the old landlord may want their statements reprinted; how does the system show where the first combination finishes and the new one starts are two examples. Having added the new landlord, then the new property you can duplicate the tenant and attach them to the new property.
When the Tenant Copy window appears it will contain default data which will need to be changed to reflect the new situation. The defaulted data shows:-
the property address of the current property
the Start Date which will be either the day after the vacate date for a vacated tenant or "today's" date
the initial rent as the rent the tenant is currently paying but will change to the Desired Rent of the property selected
Pressing Start will create a new tenant and the first Rent Invoice will appear and you should proceed as when adding a new tenant.
When copying a tenant consider the following:-
Commonly the new tenant will have a Start of Tenancy date one day after the Vacate Date and the Paid To date set to the Vacate date of the old tenancy, or a start date of "today" and a Paid To date of "yesterday".
However, you may choose to have the new tenant's Start of Tenancy date set to the original Start of Tenancy date in which case Rent Inv records will be created from the original Start of Tenancy date forward. I can see two situations where this choice would be made which are:-
4When the property has recently changed hands and any receipts from the tenant since the changeover date have not been paid to the old landlord and can therefore be reversed and applied to the new tenant.
4When the tenant has a second rental arrangement say for a car park or garage which may be paid to a different landlord or is not part of the accommodation tenancy agreement.
The mailing address will be changed to the new property address so if the tenant was using a non-property mail address such as a PO Box number this will need changing manually.
The new property Desired Rent will be the new tenant rent but can be changed on the Copy screen.
The new property Desired Bond will be the new tenant bond required and can be changed on the Rent Invoice screen.
When a tenant is copied because the ownership of the property has changed and the bond has been disbursed to the bond centre, set the new tenant up to pay the full bond and use a Bond Transfer within the Aspect Property Manager. The bond centre does not need notification. Any undisbursed money needs to be reversed in the "old" tenant using a minus value receipt and entered into the "new" tenant.
When a tenant is copied to a different property address and the bond has been disbursed to the bond centre you need to notify the bond centre and only enter a Bond Transfer when you have received notification back from the bond centre when the new Bond number should be entered. Any undisbursed money needs to be reversed in the "old" tenant using a minus value receipt and entered into the "new" tenant. Note the old tenant's bond number will not be copied in this case since the property (number) has changed.