Landlord and Supplier Statements


The Aspect Property Manager produces landlord statements, supplier statements and tenant statements showing the financial transactions associated with the account and cover a single period, or a range of periods.

Landlord and supplier statements will usually be produced at the end of each period after any payments have been made and may be printed or emailed.  It is recommended they are produced before running the End of Period processing.  They may be produced for all, a range of, or just individual landlords or suppliers at any time.

Landlord and supplier statements are not produced if there have been no transactions, or no opening balance, in the selected period(s).

Tenant statements on the other hand are only produced "on demand" and can only be produced for single tenant but may be for a single period, or a range of periods.

The statements are designed to print on A4 paper and the layout of the "report" information is fixed.  A "characters only" letterhead is the default which can be replaced with your own logo or watermark, or pre-printed letterhead paper may be used for landlord and supplier statements.  See Stationery Format for the details.

The rest of this topic deals only with landlord and supplier statements.  See here for Tenant statements

In the standard documents is one which you may like to send to your landlords as an aid to their understanding the statement contents.  The text is reproduce in the final section in this topic titled Standard Document "How to read the landlord statement".

Skip to the description of the screen elements

Landlord Statements

Screen Location... Landlords menu > Statements

Subject to the covenants above, the statement shows receipt, charge and fee transactions for each property separately.  Any direct landlord charges are shown in a separate section and all payments made from the landlord's account are also detailed separately.  Where a landlord has multiple properties, any property which had no transactions in the selected period range is listed.

Past period statements may be reproduced and where the details have been purged from the system statements may be reproduced from the archives.

The statement program matches the radio button selection of "Hard Copy", "Email", or "Hard Copy and Email" to the Statements Reqd setting on the Landlords > [Payments] screen to create the selected statement type.
  4If the selection made is "Hard Copy" then statements will be produced only for landlords with their Statements Reqd set to"Hard Copy" or "Both"
  4If the selection made is "Email" then statements will be produced only for landlords with their Statements Reqd set to"Email" or "Both"
  4If the selection made is "Hard Copy and Email" statements will be produced for all landlords regardless of the Statements Reqd setting
  4Unless the Number Reqd is set to zero.

During any landlord statement run where one of the email options is selected two types of attachments may be included in the email.  The first type is a common attachment which is to be emailed to all recipients.  The second type is an attachment specific to the landlord receiving it, examples of which would be a scanned copy of a supplier invoice or photo(s) of their property.  There may be multiple attachments in both cases.

An email statement will only be created if the landlord has a primary email address entered on the Landlords > Name and Address Details screen and the Landlords > Payments button > Statements Reqd field contains "Email" or "Both".  Additional statements and attachments will only be emailed to addresses entered in the Landlords > Payments button > Statement copies to listbox - one entry per line.

The statement emails, along with any attachments, are placed on the Admin menu > Email Queue for sending.

The Landlords menu > Statement > Statement Message box is a simple way to communicate with all landlords.  It can be used to advise them of holiday hours and the like and the message will print on all statements when the "Print Message" box is ticked.  The message is not lost during the End of Period processing.  Compare this message to the Landlords > Payments button > Statement Message which will only print on the individual landlord's statement and which is lost during the End of Period processing.

Landlord Summary Statements

Screen Location... Landlords menu > Reports > Landlord Summary Statements

This report  summarises all of the landlord's statements and should be produced at the end of each tax year or when you cease managing the property.  There is one line per period for each property summarising the income, expenses, fees and GST and the net income for each property.  The "All Properties" section of the report shows direct income, non-property charges  and payments made from the account.

The same conditions apply as the normal statement and they may be emailed or posted and may have common or landlord specific s included in emailed summary statements.  However, if you retain invoices relating to the landlords property throughout the year consider mailing this statement and include the original invoices for the year in this one mailing.

Supplier Statements

Screen Location... Suppliers menu > Statements

This program is virtually the same as the landlord statements and produces a statement showing the transactions on the supplier accounts and can be used as a notification advice when paying suppliers particularly when using the Generate Payments process.  You may produce all, one, or a selection of statements covering a single period or a range of periods.  By default you will be offered a range of two months, last period and the current period, which covers users who pay their suppliers on the 20th of the month.  The transactions on the statement may be shown in Date or Reference (invoice) number order.  A statement will only print if transactions or a balance exist on the supplier account in the selected period.  Statements may be printed for past periods.

Many users do not print supplier statements on a regular basis but if your suppliers are bulk paid using Generate Payments the statement serves as a remittance advice.  There is no message facility for supplier statements.

When an ad hoc / manual payment is made the system allows for a remittance advice to be printed.

Emailing Landlord and Supplier Statements
This section deals with the steps to send the email statements from the point they are seen on the print preview screen (covered above).  However, the following prerequisites must be in place:-
  • The Email Set Up function must have been completed. 
  • The landlord or supplier must have an email address entered on the Name and Address Details screen
  • The landlord or supplier must have "Email" or "Both" selected in the statement type list box on the Payments Details screen.
  • Note that landlord statements will be emailed to the primary email address entered on the Landlords > Name and Address Details screen and all the addresses in the Landlords > Payments > Statement email copies to memo box.  They will not mailed to the entries in the Landlords > Name and Address Details > Email copies memo box.
  • Once the statements have appeared on the on the print preview screen they can be viewed or printed as you wish.
  • Pressing [Close] will return to the statement selection screen
  • If Email or Hard Copy and Email had been selected statements a progress bar will indicate the statements being placed on the Email Queue
  • Press [Close] to return to the main screen or make further statement selections
  • At this point the statements have not been sent, merely placed on the email queue.
  • Go to the Email Queue and press [Send All Unsent] to send all the statements.

  • Do not press [Email Report] on the print preview screen to send the statements.  See why here.
  • When statements appear on the print preview screen the Page count will show 1/0.  Press any of the record movement buttons and the Page count will display correctly.  This is caused by an oddity outside our control which exists between the viewer and the PDF creation software.
  • Email statements will be placed on the Email Queue any time a statement is produced whether or not you intend to send it.

    Description of the Landlord and Supplier Statement screens

    A sequence of screens is used to select, preview and print statements, and where applicable create statement emails on the Email Queue.
    The screen descriptions below will only show links to common selection functions.
    Where the text says landlord it means supplier as well unless differences exist in which case they are discussed as they occur.

    Location... Landlord or Supplier menu > Statements.

    Screen 1 - Landlord Selection
    As well as the familiar selections seen elsewhere in the system this screen has three radio buttons which are matched to the selection made in each Landlords > Payments > Statements Reqd. list box to determine if a statement is to be produced in this particular run.

    Select the appropriate radio button to produced statements for landlords with the matching setting.
    If the Hard Copy radio button is selected, statements will be produced only for landlords who are set up to receive HardCopy or Both.
    It does NOT mean produce a hardcopy statement for this landlord who is set to receive Email (only) statements.

    Tip  When doing the main statement run, whether or not you require a paper statement for the landlords file, leave the radio button on Hard Copy & Email for the first run.  You can then either pint the hardcopy statements or not.  When you exit the print preview the email statements will be created.  Then put the radio button on Hard Copy and run the statements again so they only the statements that must be mailed are produced for printing on pre-printed letterhead or plain paper.

    Some users may find producing statements in groups using the Property Manager selection useful.

    The content of the Statement Message box (landlord statements only) can be printed on every statement in the run when the Print Message checkbox is ticked.
    To permanently remove the content of the message box, delete the content  > tick Print Message > press [Start] > either cancel the next screen or continue with the statement run.

    Screen 2 - Email Queue warning
    This message will not appear when you have the Range checkbox ticked to allow "cherry-picking" of statements to be emailed.

    It warns that entries exist on the Email Queue and gives the opportunity to remove them before adding any statements from this run.
    The entries could be email statements created any time during the month as a result of examining a landlord's statement on the screen which you would not to send the landlord as several statements arriving at the same time perhaps all showing different details would confuse the recipient.

    Screen 3 - Add Common Attachments
    Use this screen to locate and add one or more attachments which will be sent to all landlords or suppliers.
    The attachment(s) could be a newsletter or brochure.
    Each attachment must be added individually and may be located anywhere on your computer / network.

    Note  There is a limit to the total size of any email including attachments which has been imposed by ISPs.  This limit is typically around 10Mb.  When emails are passed through the internet the manner in which they are processed inflates the initial size.  The result being the initial size, including attachments generally needs to be under around 7.5Mb.  If you need to send out several attachments, common and specific, and the total size is greater than 7.5Mb you should "zip" them first and attach the zip file.

    When all common attachments have been selected press [Continue] and move to the next screen.

    Screen 4 - Statements Preview
    The statements will be displayed in the print preview screen where they can be examined and printed as required.

    When [Close] is pressed the display will return to the statement selection screen and if any landlord was set to receive Email or Both an email statement, plus any attachments, will be created on the Email Queue.

    Further statements may be then be created or [Close] pressed to return to the main screen.

    You must go to the Email Queue and press [Send All Unsent] or [Send Selected] to actually send the emails.

  • Statements will only be produced when either there have been transactions in the period(s) selected or there is a non-zero balance in the selected landlord account(s).
  • Statements will only be printed when the statement run and the Landlord Payments radio buttons match.  Read the red Note in the "Screen 1 - Landlord Selection" paragraph above .
  • If pressing [Continue] on the Attachments selection screen results in a blank (grey) screen, one or both of the foregoing notes is the reason.
  • Nor will statements be created when the range selection does not exist.
  • Landlords menu > Reports > Landlord Summary Statements use the same general process.

    Standard Document - "How to read the landlord statement"
    The following is the text of a sample Standard Document supplied with the system which you may wish to send to new landlords as an aid to their understanding the statement contents.
    The letter below and the standard document text content may vary if the standard document sample is modified.
    Please read the help topic Standard Documents - Letters, Emails, Faxes and SMS Messageswhich covers the usage, copying, modifying and renaming of sample letters.

    Reading your monthly Statement of Account

    When you receive your statement you may wish to use the following information to gain a better understanding of its contents, in particular the summarised tenant information, the various dates and the field labels.

    Statement layout
    The landlord statement you receive each month shows the financial activity on your rental property(ies) and has the following overall format:-
         1     Property
         2                     Charges for work done on the property
         3                     Fees not covered in the management agreement
         4     Tenant
         5                     Receipts for rent and debt recovery from the tenant
         6                     Payment to tenant returning overpaid rent and debt
         7                     Tenant information lines
         8     Property total line
         9     All Properties total line
       10     Payments to the landlord
       11     Closing account balance

    Where a property has multiple tenancies in one period, lines 4 to 7 will be repeated for each tenancy.
    Where a landlord has multiple properties, lines 1 to 8 will be repeated for each property.
    Within each section or sub-section transactions will be in date order.

    Within this overall format there is one line for each transaction where money flowed into and out of your account.  There may be multiple occurrences of any of these line types.  The lines may be:-
         Charge     (line 2)  - money used to pay for work done on your property(ies)
         Fee           (line 3)  - deductions made which are not part of the standard management fees
         Receipt    (line 5)  - money paid into your account, usually from the tenant
         Payment   (line 6)  - money paid out of your account returning overpaid rent or debt to the tenant.

    Lines 2, 3, 5 and 6 will be repeated for each transaction of that type occurring in each period and along with the two total lines (lines 8 and 9) will contain some or all of the following fields:-
         a short description particularly on Charge and Fee lines
         the Type of transaction - Charge, Fee, Receipt or Payment
         the total Amount of the transaction divided into
              any Rent paid by the tenant
              any Debt re-paid covering any charge made which is payable by the tenant
         any Charge amount for work done on the property
         the Management Fees deducted from your account on the transaction
         the GST on the Management Fee above deducted from your account
         the Net amount for the line credited to or debited from your account

    The transactions for each property are totalled on the Property Total line, (line 8).
    After all properties are printed they are totalled on the All Properties Total line, (line 9).

    The Payments to the landlord section (line 10) lists all payments made from the account except tenant payments.  Each payment has a double line showing the following information:-
         The transaction date
              The final payment for the month will usually be dated the last calendar day
         The amount paid - shown as a deduction from the All Properties Net total
         The payee name - usually your name
         The type of payment made - DC or cheque
         The bank account code or cheque number

    The final financial section, (line 11) Closing account balance, shows any Balance Held in your account or Amount Overpaid to you.

    Below this may be two message "blocks", one on each half of the page, one containing general information the other information which may expand on any of the statement financial information.

    Summarised Tenant Information
    Shown in each Tenant section will be the tenant's name (line 4) and the financial transactions (lines  5 and 6) as covered above.  After which is the following tenant information (line 7) which may require several print lines:-
        The start of tenancy date and if applicable the Lease End or Vacate date
        The  "Paid From" and "Paid To" dates covered by the rent paid this period
        Any "Overpaid Rent" or "Part Paid Rent" amount.

    Dealing with the dates first.
         The Paid From date shows the first date for which rent was received in the statement period.
         The Paid To date shows the last date for which a full Rent Period's rent has been received.
         Any rent received which does not fully pay a Rent Period is (usually) Part Paid Rent.

    For a current tenant, any rent received which only covers a part of a Rent Period is shown as Part Paid Rent and will be credited towards the Rent Period immediately following the Paid To date, regardless of whether the tenant has paid more rent than required, or is in arrears as at the Paid To date.  The amount will always be less than the rent required for that next Rent Period.

    For a vacated tenant who has not fully paid the rent up to the vacate date the above paragraph applies.

    For a vacated tenant who has paid more rent than they needed to, any rent paid beyond the vacate date will be described as Overpaid Rent and should be returned to this company as it belongs to the tenant.  The Paid To and Vacate dates will be the same.

    Consider the following examples where:-
         the month has 31 days
         the Rent Amount is $140 per week     ($20 per day to make it easy)
         the Rent Period is weekly:-
                                               From Sat           To Fri
           Week 1 runs                          01                 07
           Week 2 runs                          08                 14
           Week 3 runs                          15                 21
           Week 4 runs                          22                 28
           Week 5 runs                          29                 04     (of the next month)

    If 5 lots of $140 rent are paid the statement will show:-
    Paid from 01/mm/yy    to   04/mm/yy     and there will be no Part Paid Rent.

    If 6 lots of $140 rent are paid, (an extra week into the next month) the statement will show:-
    Paid from 01/mm/yy    to   11/mm/yy     and there will be no Part Paid Rent.

    If only 4 lots of $140 rent are paid the statement will show:-
    Paid from 01/mm/yy    to   28/mm/yy     and there will be no Part Paid Rent
                                                                     and the tenant is in Arrears.

    If during the month $600 rent is paid, this equates to four full weeks' rent ($560) plus a further $40 which has been paid towards the next full week's rent.  The statement will show:-
    Paid from 01/mm/yy    to   28/mm/yy     Part Paid Rent  $40
                                                                     and the tenant is in Arrears.

    I know we could have said the extra $40 equates to 2 day's rent and therefore the tenant is Paid To 30/mm/yy.  This works fine when the extra amount of rent received equates to an exact day's, or multiple of days', rent but what would have been the case if the tenant had paid $577.35.  Not so easy, as the extra $17.35 equates to 0.8975 of day or 0.123928571 of a week.
    In this last example the statement will show:-
    Paid from 01/mm/yy    to   28/mm/yy     Part Paid Rent  $17.35

    If at some time the tenant pays $122.65 it will be added to the $17.35 to total $140 and the Paid To date will advance a week and there will be no Part Paid Rent shown.

    Any amount shown as either Part Paid Rent or Overpaid Rent has been received into your account and it makes up part of the payment(s) already made to you.  Specifically, the tenant does not owe this money, you have already got it.  Overpaid Rent should be returned to this company.

    As indicated above, a tenant can be "in arrears" and have a Part Paid Rent amount, that is they have not paid all the rent they should have.  They can not be "in arrears" and have an Overpaid Rent amount.

    Where Part Paid Rent is carried forward from month to month, regardless of the length of time, it will be taken into account when a tenant vacates and will reduce the payment needed for the final rent period.  The $17.35 in the last example above would reduce the last full week's rent required to settle the account to $122.65.

    As a landlord you should be most interested in the Paid To date because it should be showing the last day of the statement month or later.  Any earlier date means the tenant is behind in their rent.


    Related Topics
    Stationery Format
    Emailing Statements
    End of Period
    End of Period In Depth