Notes and Bring Ups


Screen Location... main screen > Notes button

Use this screen to, add, edit, delete Notes about the selected entity and to convert a Note to a Bring Up or v.v.

Skip to the description of the screen elements

A Note is a dated comment you wish to keep relating to a landlord, property, tenant or supplier just as you would in their paper file.  They are accessed via the [Notes] button on the appropriate main screen.  They may be a record of a telephone conversation, a comment about repairs that may need doing, a Bring Up for a quoted job, or a copy (unformatted) of a document.  In fact anything you feel a need to record.

There is also a special form of Note which is not attached to a landlord, property, tenant or supplier termed an "Administrative Note", which may be entered from the Admin menu and used for regular and / or personal reminders, e.g. Run Rent Review report, or Dentist 10.30am.

A Note may be entered by one person and assigned to another.

Any Note may have a "reminder" date applied to act as an electronic diary in which case it is termed a Bring Up.

To add, edit, or delete a Note select the specific landlord, property, tenant or supplier and press [Notes].  Administrative Notes are accessed from the Administration menu.

A Note may also be created as a function of saving a document.

Notes remain in the system until the Note itself or the item to which it attached is deleted.

There are some system generated Notes which may or may not have a Bring Up date.

A Note is not the same as the "Internal Comment/Remark" found on the landlord, property, tenant or supplier [Details] screen. 

Bring Ups
By now it should be obvious that a Note and a Bring Up are one and the same except for the Bring Up date.

When the Aspect Property Manager starts a table is displayed if there are any unactioned Notes with a Bring Up date of "today" or earlier.  The table displays includes Bring Ups dated after "today" so you are aware of what is coming up.

As additional reminders when there are outstanding Bring Ups the Aspect logo turns red, the table of Bring Ups will keep popping up, and there may be a Windows "alert" sound.  The frequency of the alerts and the associated sound may be changed on the SetUp menu > Preferences > Other Preferences tab.  These reminders continue until either the Bring Up is marked as "Actioned", or the Bring Up date is advanced, or the Bring Up check box is unticked, or the Note is deleted.  

Access the Bring Ups at any time by clicking the Aspect logo on the main screens.

Bring Ups differ from the usual Notes screen by having the [Go To] button which takes you directly to the landlord, property, tenant or supplier involved.

View just the Bring Ups you are responsible for by selecting your name from the Navigator Bar list box.

When printing the list of Bring Ups you may filter out future dated Bring Ups and print either a "headings only" list or the full Note content.

Someone should remain responsible for looking at all "overdue" unactioned Bring Ups in case they have been incorrectly assigned or the assignee is away or has left the organisation.

Any person, including administrative or office staff, who may use the Aspect Property Manager should be included on the Setup menu > Property Managers table so tasks can be assigned and messages left for them.  Where they have no direct renting responsibility do not tick the "In Contact List" box.

Use Administrative Notes to leave messages for other users by assigning the Note to the desired recipient and setting a Bring Up date.

Use Administrative Notes to control repeating jobs.  As an example, if your policy is to review rents each month set a Bring Up to run the Rent Review report and when the task is complete move the Bring Up date forward to next month.

Some users use Bring Ups to keep track of property inspections rather than the Property Inspection report.  If you do this consider adding one or more "property managers" and assigning those Bring Ups to that / those property manager(s) so they can be printed out by themselves.

Description of the Notes screen

Refer to the Glossary for information about the Title bar, Menu bar and Navigator bar.

Index Panel
This panel contains a list of the Notes relating to the selected landlord, property etc.
The entries may be sorted by clicking the column headings
The content of each column is self-explanatory.

Navigator Bar List Box
Allows filtering to display only the Notes assigned to a selected property manager.

Print Button
Apart from the obvious function both a date range and the Notes assigned to one property manager can be selected 

When Notes are created as part of producing documents this field contains a truncated version of the document Subject preceded by the type of document.  Otherwise it is whatever is entered when the Note is created.

When Notes are created as part of producing a document this field contains the full text content of the document in an unformatted state.
This is ideal when a Bring Up is required and when the content of communications with the recipient is required.  As an example they can be printed as part of a tenancy tribunal hearing as a continuous "report".

Property Manager
The property manager responsible for Note at this point in time.
It will be either the person who created the Note or the one to whom the Note has been assigned.
If the Not is a Bring Up it will be the person responsible for dealing with the Note's content.

(Bring Up) Required?
When a Bring Up is cancelled this box can be unticked.  Although it could also be unticked when the Bring Up is complete a better method is to tick the Actioned box.

(Bring Up) Date
When creating a Note directly this date is chosen manually.
When a Bring up is created as a byproduct of producing documents the date is set as part of that process. 

(Bring Up) Actioned
Tick when any action required by the Note is complete.

Bring Up Display differences
When the Bring Up table appears, either automatically or by clicking the Aspect logo, the Bring Up section of the Note is displayed along with an About field and a [Go To] button near the top of the details panel.
The About field shows the entity to which the Note is attached.
Pressing [Go To] will take you directly to the main screen display of that entity with the exception of Administrative Notes.

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